Woman Declared Dead Found Breathing, Bella Montoya, 76, gasps for air after being pronounced dead following a suspected stroke

Portraying a heart-wrenching incident, mourners at a wake in Babahoyo, Ecuador were shocked to witness Bella Montoya, an elderly Ecuadorean woman, showing signs of life after being declared dead by a hospital doctor. The 76-year-old had been placed in a coffin and taken to a funeral parlour for a vigil before her planned burial.

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Unveiling a Miraculous Moment

In a turn of events that left her family and friends astounded, after nearly five hours, the coffin was opened to change her clothes for the funeral, only to find Bella Montoya gasping for air. Her son, Gilbert Balberán, recalled the startling moment when his mother started showing signs of life, moving her hand, opening her eyes, and struggling to breathe.

Emergency Response Delay

Video footage captured by one of the mourners reveals the emotional scene of Bella Montoya lying in the open casket, visibly struggling to breathe. Frustration arises as they realize the ambulance they had called has yet to arrive. Shortly after, firefighters arrive and transfer Bella Montoya onto a stretcher, rushing her back to the same hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Current Condition and Investigation

Bella Montoya is now in intensive care and reportedly responsive. According to her son, she is receiving oxygen and her heart is stable. Ecuador’s health ministry has launched an investigation to determine the cause of the shocking incident.

Similar Incidents Raise Concerns

This case is not an isolated incident. In February, an 82-year-old woman in New York state was discovered to be breathing in a funeral home, three hours after being pronounced dead at a nursing home.

As the investigation into Bella Montoya’s case unfolds, questions surrounding medical error and proper protocols in determining death arise. The community awaits answers and hopes for Bella Montoya’s continued recovery.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

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