Chase Stafford missing, Nashville, TN, Woman remains missing in Cheatham County

Nashville, TN – The search for 25-year-old Chase Stafford, who went missing over a week ago in Cheatham County, Nashville, is still underway. In an effort to locate her, deputies from the Cheatham County Sheriff’s Office are utilizing tracking dogs in a remote area of the county.

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Chase Stafford was last seen with her boyfriend, and law enforcement authorities have been tirelessly following up on leads and conducting door-to-door inquiries. The sheriff’s office recently released a new photo of Stafford, taken just before her disappearance last Tuesday, in the hope that it might generate useful information.

Multiple law enforcement agencies have joined forces in the search for Chase Stafford. Boats and helicopters have been deployed around the Harpeth River, while officers on the ground are meticulously combing through the area. The collaborative efforts aim to cover all possible locations and gather any clues that could lead to her whereabouts.

Deputies are actively interviewing multiple individuals in an attempt to uncover what happened to Stafford. The discovery of a bag containing her clothes and cell phone on Highway 49 adds urgency to the investigation. Every piece of evidence becomes critical in piecing together the puzzle of her disappearance.

The Cheatham County Sheriff’s Office urges anyone who has seen Chase Stafford or has information about her location to come forward. If you have any details that could aid in the search, please contact the Sheriff’s Office at 615-792-2098. Every lead, no matter how small, could make a significant difference in the investigation.

As the search for Chase Stafford continues, the community’s support is crucial. By spreading the word and remaining vigilant, we can all contribute to the efforts to bring her home safely. Please share her photo and information with friends, family, and on social media platforms to raise awareness and help in locating her.

The uncertainty surrounding Chase Stafford’s disappearance has left her loved ones and the community deeply concerned. As law enforcement agencies intensify their search, let us join together to provide any assistance we can, and keep hope alive for Chase’s safe return.

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